Pike River Watershed Restoration Plan
Algae blooms at the mouth of the Pike River in Kenosha
The Pike River Watershed is located in portions of Racine and Kenosha counties, and consists of three sub-basins; the North Branch, South Branch and the Main Pike River. The North Branch originates near County Highway C in the Village of Mount Pleasant. The South Branch is a drainage way that originates near Highway 50 in Kenosha County. From there, it flows north alongside the Union Pacific Railroad, picking up contributions from agriculture drainage tiles, Airport Branch, Somers Branch and other unnamed tributaries. The North Pike and South Branch meets at Petrifying Springs Park, forming the Main Branch of the Pike River. From Petrifying Springs, the Pike River flows east, then south through the City of Kenosha before emptying into Lake Michigan. The major tributary to the Pike River is Sorenson Creek. The one named lake found in this watershed is Petrified Springs Park Pond, which covers approximately three acres. Land cover is primarily rural, with agriculture dominant (52%). Urban land uses account for 19 percent of the land area, while grasslands (14%) and forests (8%) represent the other major rural uses. Wetlands cover less than two percent of the land area. The municipalities include the City of Kenosha, the Village of Sturtevant, and the Towns of Somers and Mount Pleasant.
Phosphorus and nitrogen from farming practices and storm water runoff
eColi and other pathogens from agriculture and storm water runoff
Suspended solids from storm water runoff and stream bank erosion
Loss and fragmentation of open space/natural habitat
Reduced water infiltration & increased water use
Invasive/non-native plant species
Chlorides (salinity) from road salt
Low dissolved oxygen
The planning effort took place over two years and included the entire river, its tributaries and the direct drainage area (purple area of map). The first year (Phase I) focused on engaging the participation of citizens from all walks of life, educating them on the state of the Pike River watershed and gathering their input. In the second year, an advisory group of interested citizens and public officials met with a professional planning firm to advise and direct the development of a comprehensive river restoration plan, including a detailed action plan that identifies priority projects, costs and potential funding sources.
The participation and input of over 150 people who attended planning meetings and completed an online opinion survey of the Pike River watershed contributed greatly to the plan’s focus and development. An advisory group guided the development of the written plan. Participants in the planning process established goals and objectives for the watershed that addressed the issues and opportunities raised by respondents to the online survey, at the Pike River Summit held in May 2012 and at public meetings. The completed plan was presented to the public on September 26, 2013, at a public meeting held at the Kenosha Public Museum. The approved plan is available for download on this page.
The Pike River Watershed Restoration Plan has been adopted by seven municipalities and the University of Wisconsin–Parkside. These municipalities and entities all have some part of their juristiction that includes the Pike River watershed. Adopters of the plan include:
Kenosha County
Racine County
City of Racine
Village of Mount Pleasant
Village of Sturtevant
Village of Pleasant Prairie
Village of Somers
University of Wisconsin–Parkside
In 2016, Root-Pike WIN has begun implementing the Pike River Watershed Restoration Plan. Implementation includes the planning, design and construction of both municipal and private landowner projects. Root-Pike WIN’s role is to serve as educator and facilitator of the plan’s recommendations.
For more information about the Pike River planning and implementation, contact Dave Giordano, Executive Director, at dave@rootpikewin.org .
The Pike River Watershed
Algae growth at the mouth of the Pike River
Bluff erosion in Petrifying Springs Park in Kenosha
Stream channel erosion creating log jam on the Main Branch
Restored areas of the North Branch in Mount Pleasant
Restored areas of the North Branch in Mount Pleasant